Tuesday, 9 October 2012

What Lies Beneath (2000)

Ok so we are gonna look at a slightly older film now but dont doubt it's not scary cause this film will make you jump out your seat! It's: 'What Lies Beneath'.

Genre: Horror/Thriller
My Rating:  8/10
Scare Factor: 7/10
Gore Factor:  2/10
Humour level: Low
Suspense level: High
Rated: 15
Cast: Harrison Ford, Michelle Pfieffer and Katherine Towne.

This to me is a classic scary movie! It's another film which ive watched several times and never get tired of it.

Claire (Pfieffer) becomes paranoid thinking there is a ghost haunting her house when strange noises and events start to happen. At first she believes it is to do with the neighbours next door, but after further investigation, its a much darker secret than she thought!

Ok first of all, with two great actors such as Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfieffer you know its going to be good. But the storyline in this is fantastic: intense, surprsisng and totally unpredictable! It's your classic mystery murder film... who died and who killed them?
The gore factor is really low in this film cause there arent any bloody scenes in this film to scare u, it doesnt need it! There are hundreads of jumps in this film and an insane twist which makes it so enjoyable for anyone who loves a good spook!

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