Genre: Thriller
My Rating: 9/10
Scare Factor: 5/10
Gore Factor: 1/10
Humour level: Low
Suspense level: Medium
Rated: 15
Cast: Ashton Kutcher,Amy Smart, Melora Walters.
So most of you will read this and think, its not a horror, its not scary, its not high suspense so it must be crap. Wrong! I'll admit when i put this movie on i was very close to switching it off and heading to do uni work before it had got past the first scene, but im so glad i didnt cause this movie had one of the best storylines and even though it wasnt scary it was creepy as hell which actually made up for it.
The film starts with a young boy who suffers severe emotional traumas, so bad that his mind blocks them out and he has no memory of what happened. The clever part... neither do we. When he suffers a black out it jumps to the next thing he remembers leaving the veiwers trying to fill in the gaps just as the boy is. This is the addictive storyline which will prevent anyone from turning off the tv because you have to know what happened.Only when the boy is grown do we find out what really happened as he finds out he can go back in time and relive the moments, and change them. Unfortunately for him, even changing one thing in the past sets off a chain reaction which changes something else then something else until the future and people in it become even worse than before.
The whole time traveling storyline canbe a hit or a miss, some people love it and others find it a bit 'been there done that'. But this is one film which can really pull it off! And im gonna say this now: the trailer doesn't do it any favours... it looks like some lovey dovey storyline but its nothing like that. It's intense, creepy, and a bit horrible at parts in terms of what is happening, but its a great film for anyone who loves an intense thriller